We Love God – through worship, sacraments, prayer, attention to the scriptures, and how we live.
Worship in the Episcopal Church seeks to create an experience of wonder and awe. We give our best efforts to liturgy and music. This is our thankful response to the creating love of God, the saving life of Jesus, and the empowering presence of the Holy Spirit. Our worship is shaped by the traditions of the Episcopal church. Our guide is the Book of Common Prayer. Most of our hymns are from Hymnal 1982, Lift Every Voice and Sing (LEVAS), and Wonder, Love, and Praise (WLP).
Click here to view or download the Order of Worship for Sunday’s service.
Our choir raises a joyful voice every Sunday during our worship service. We sing contemporary music and traditional hymns. Practice is every Wednesday at 7:00PM in the church.
One of the first impressions visitors have to St. Christopher’s is through their contact with ushers. Ushers direct parking, greet and hand out service sheets, distribute collection plates, assist in communion and help clean up after the service.
Acolytes assist in worship by leading processions and helping to set and clear the altar for communion. Youth in 5thgrade and older are especially encouraged to participate.
Opportunities exist to assist with Godly Play and the nursery. We will gladly train you to be a storyteller, and our children need your positive affirmation and attention. No experience necessary but a love for children required. All Children’s ministry volunteers are required to attend training in Safeguarding God’s Children and pass a background check.
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