We are an Episcopal Church celebrating the liturgy in every service. However, in the midst of “traditional” we have fun and welcome everyone who comes through our doors to worship. We are an affirming parish and all are welcome.
Our church parking lot allows for easy and close entry access to the church. Our regularly scheduled Sunday service is Holy Communion from the Book of Common Prayer at 10 a.m. with music. You are welcome to receive communion at our table.
We are delighted to have you join us for worship. Your children are also welcome at all services, but they may also join the children’s service. Just follow the cross during the Gloria or Kyrie and they will rejoin you at The Peace.
The Service of the Word includes prayers, Scripture readings, the sermon, and a Creed. These help us focus on God’s work in the world and the good news of Jesus Christ.
We look forward to meeting and welcoming you to St. Christopher’s! Join us for a time of fellowship in the Parish Hall after the service.
Should you have any questions, please feel free to email us at office@stchrisatx.
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