
A message from
Rev. Alyssa

Family Ministries

St. Christopher’s seeks to know and love God more deeply through our joyful worship, welcoming community and service to the world.
Families are essential to our parish life. Our goal is to meet children and families where they are and ensure they feel they are a welcomed presence in the community. Our family ministry includes age-appropriate formation, family outings, and tons of fellowship! We have several formation options available to welcome our young friends in the community.


(Infant To 4 Years)
Nursery care begins every Sunday at 9:00am for our youngest children, infant to kindergarten. Our background-checked and Safeguarding-trained staff are ready to nurture these friends while their parents attend the worship service.

Godly Play

(4 To 8 Years)
Godly Play is a Montessori-based program in which children as young as 3 through 2nd grade are invited to come to wonder about God and His people. Each Sunday, children enjoy a simple snack (our feast), hear a story, and then reflect with response materials, a time known as their work. Godly Play realizes that children are curious about God and provides a language and understanding of some of the biggest mysteries in the Bible.The children return to the sanctuary at the Peace with their families.

Children’s Chapel

(Middlers 9 To 11 Years)
Children’s Chapel is offered the second and fourth Sunday for kids in 3rd to 5th grade, also known as Middlers. This interactive children’s service follows the lectionary, using Illustrated Ministry as a resource during which children discuss the stories as they relate to their own lives. The children join their families in the sanctuary at the Peace.


(12 to 18 Years)
EYC (Episcopal Youth Community) meets monthly after church services. 6th to 12th graders meet up and enjoy food, fellowship, Bible study, and outreach opportunities. It is also a safe space where they can express themselves and strengthen their relationship with Christ.


(9 Years and up)
St. Christopher’s has a youth acolyte corps for children 9 and up to help serve during worship service. Our master acolyte trainer prepares the kids for this wonderful ministry..